HESTI RIASARI, - (2022) BIOTA LAUT SEBAGAI ANTIVIRUS COVID-19: REVIEW. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Diseminasi Hasil Penelitian Program Studi S1 Farmasi, 2 (1). pp. 49-54. ISSN 2964-6154

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The outbreak of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has hit the world. Until now, only vaccines have been found as an effort to prevent COVID-19 but no therapeutic drugs have been found, so drug discovery, especially from drugs with specific structures, will help the urgency. The discovery of construction drugs using plants isolate computational modeling has been widely carried out, while in marine biota are still few. Whereas the potential of marine biota as structural medicine is very large because its diversity is very wide and until now it is still under-explored. This systematic review was carried out to identify compounds from marine biota that may be antiviral for COVID-19 based on the search for compounds from plants that have the most potential as antiviral-COVID-19 by in silico molecular docking. This review begins with the search for the 10 most recent topics that raise the topic of potential compounds of natural ingredients in plants as COVID-19 antivirals in silico, then a library search of potential compounds on natural plant materials in marine biota on the Google Schoolar database. The results of docking Sars-COV2 main protease (Mpro 6LU7) showed kaemppherol, gamma mangostin, nigelidin compounds with a dcore of -7.8, with a difference in the docking score of the control compound, namely Lopinavir (-0.4). From this review, it was found that flavonols are flavonoid compounds with the most potential chemical as anti Main Protease (MPro) of SARS-CoV-2, and can be found in 10 marine biota which are: Fire Mangroves, White Snapper, Sea Lettuce, Golden Sea Cucumber, Butoh Rivet Sea Cucumber, Red Algae, Local Seaweed and other Seaweeds. --- Wabah Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) yang disebabkan oleh Severe Acute RespiratorySyndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) telah melanda dunia. Hingga saat ini baru ditemukan vaksin sebagai upaya pencegahan COVID-19 namun belum ditemukan obat terapinya sehingga upaya penemuan obat terutama dari obat yang berstruktur spesifik akan membantu keterdesakkan tersebut.Penemuan obat struktural menggunakan pemodelan komputasi dari tanaman sudah marak dilakukan sedangkan pada biota laut masih sedikit. Padahal potensi biota laut sebagai obat struktural sangat besar karena keanekaragamannya sangat luas dan hingga kini masih kurang dieksplorasi. Sistematik review ini dilakukan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi senyawa-senyawa dari biota laut yang berpotensi sebagai antivirus COVID-19 berdasarkan penelusuran kategori senyawa dari tanaman yang paling potensial sebagai antivirus-COVID-19 secara penambatan molekul in silico. Review ini diawali dengan penelusuran 10 jurnal terkini yang mengangkat topik potensi senyawa bahan alam pada tanaman sebagai antivirus COVID-19 secara in silico, lalu penelusuran pustaka senyawa potensial pada bahan alam tanaman di biota laut pada database Google Schoolar. Hasil docking Sars-COV2 main protease(Mpro 6LU7) menunjukkan senyawa kaempherol, gamma mangostin, nigelidin dengan dcore -7,8, dengan selisih score docking senyawa control yaitu Lopinavir (-0,4). Dari review ini didapatkan bahwa flavonol merupakan senyawa flavonoid yang paling potensial sebagai anti Main Protease (MPro) dari SARS-CoV-2, dan dapat ditemukan pada 10 biota laut yang antara lain adalah: Mangrove Api-Api Ikan Kakap Putih Selada Laut, Teripang Emas Teripang Butoh Keling, Alga Merah, Rumput laut lokal dan Rumput Laut lainnya.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Antivirus; COVID-19; Molecular Docking; Marine Biota Natural Materials; Flavonol Antivirus; COVID-19; Penambatan Molekul; Bahan Alam Biota Laut; Flavonol.
Subjects: R Medicine > RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology
R Medicine > RS Pharmacy and materia medica
Divisions: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat > Publikasi Penelitian
Depositing User: pustakawan - -
Date Deposited: 29 Feb 2024 08:46
Last Modified: 04 Jul 2024 08:03

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